Source talents faster in your database

Textkernel for Bullhorn Drives Lasting Business Results for TSR Consulting Services

Tapped into the full potential of TSR database to identify top talent

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TSR Consulting Services, a leading staffing and recruitment agency, partnered with Textkernel to implement its AI-powered source and match technology. TSR can now search faster and across more categories, resulting in better candidate-job matches and improved business outcomes.

The Company

About TSR Consulting Services

TSR Consulting Services provides employers nationwide with top talent . With more than 50 years of industry leadership, TSR provides world-class staffing solutions to clients nationwide, by staying true to our relentless focus of exceeding the highest professional IT service business standards.

Our customers love our solutions!

Shah Syed, Director of Sales and Recruiting

“We went out to look for a tool that was going to improve our data quality. Textkernel is really hitting on that.”

Marc Linden, Director of Operations

“Every recruiter at TSR warmed up to Textkernel because the external search combines with the Search and Match tools so efficiently. They all plug into Bullhorn, which gives us one single view into candidates and operations. That saves a lot of time.”

THE challenge

An end-to-end application tracking system to accelerate business growth

For years, TSR’s applicant tracking system (ATS) provided employers access to only a fraction of resumes in its database. In 2022, business leaders at TSR began exploring new applicant tracking systems that better aligned with its forward-thinking, technology-driven organization. The new, end-to-end solution had to provide seamless access to TSR’s full database of 4 million resumes and enable recruiters to take advantage of the company’s complete talent resources.

After a comprehensive review of the leading options on the market, TSR chose to partner with Bullhorn – a marketplace and ecosystem for the world’s leading digital staffing and recruitment tools. Bullhorn offered TSR an end-to-end applicant tracking system to support the company’s growth. But selecting a new ATS was just the beginning: TSR also knew that it needed a new, leading-edge tech stack to provide a lasting and superior experience for its clients.

THE solution

Improving data quality and transforming TSR’s technology

The tools in Bullhorn provided TSR with the front-office and back-office support it needed for every aspect of its staffing operations.

Among the team’s top priorities was advanced searching and matching capabilities because the platform’s success was contingent on improved candidate search results.

TSR’s technology decision-makers evaluated all the search and sourcing tools in the Bullhorn marketplace. They chose Textkernel for its extensive functionality—but also, the true partnership Textkernel provided as part of TSR’s technology transformation. Textkernel would ensure TSR’s success as they adopted and onboarded a large set of new technologies via Bullhorn.

THE Result

Unlocked the full value of TSR’s database. Accessing Bullhorn as a single channel for finding the best candidates.

Search and Match

Textkernel’s integrated Source and Match enabled TSR’s recruiters to search their database more accurately through the detail that Textkernel pulls from each candidate’s resume. Beyond Boolean, Textkernel’s newly implemented semantic technology allows TSR to search faster and across more categories, such as skills, job history, employers, and others. Its AI-powered matching technology enables recruiters to quickly connect candidates directly to the right jobs, and vice versa.

Source – for external job board searching

TSR wanted the ability to extract data from external databases just as simply and effectively as their internal database. Because of this, and their desire to help grow and advance technology, TSR was eager to be a key Beta customer for Textkernel’s new and improved external searching tool, Source.

Source has taken Textkernel’s existing ability to search job boards to a new level with an updated UI and enhanced functionality. New features such as saved searches, the ability to search multiple job boards simultaneously, side-by-side comparison of results, as well suggested skills and job titles to quickly expand the search – greatly improved the speed and accuracy of sourcing.

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