Textkernel consumer goods
Maximize recruitment results in SAP SuccessFactors with Textkernel

How a FMCG company finds the right needle in a haystack of talent

With thousands of applications per vacancy, how does a global FMCG company find and hire the right talent?

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Recruiting for a global FMCG company

With over 20,000 employees and annual sales exceeding €7 billion, our client, a global consumer goods company that provides cosmetic and skincare products and headquartered in Germany, tackles significant recruitment hurdles every day.

Top of the list was the ability to screen the thousands of job applications they received for every job posting as well as being able to identify internal talent – all within the limitations of their existing SAP SuccessFactor environment.

By integrating Textkernel’s Source & Match solutions within their SAP SuccessFactor environment, internal recruiters can efficiently compare thousands of candidate and employee profiles. This streamlines applications, accelerates candidate shortlists, expedites hiring the right talent, and fuels internal mobility and employee satisfaction.

How to hire the right talent, faster

When you receive thousands of applications for every job posting, how do you process them quickly enough while ensuring no talent is missed? This was just part of the challenge presented to us. The second part was to identify, nurture, and promote their in-house talent.

The customer was looking for a strong technology solution that seamlessly integrates with SAP SuccessFactors, their existing in-house HR infrastructure. The new system had to empower their talent acquisition team to find the talent hidden in the avalanche of applications and leverage their in-house talent, all while reducing the number of postings.

A solution for large data volumes

In the ever-changing landscape of recruitment, AI has proven to be a game changer. The client decided to integrate Textkernel’s Source & Match technology with SAP SuccessFactors to clear our client’s data backlog and then navigate through their large data sets to recognize matches with a remarkable degree of accuracy. Source & Match works seamlessly in more than 29 languages (with more to come). We also prioritize security and comply with ISO 27001 for data protection. And the solution integrates seamlessly with SAP SuccessFactor to strengthen the talent acquisition team.

“Flexibility was the cornerstone of our success. When integrating multiple systems, the agility to pivot is vital and it helped forge a powerful partnership with our client, empowering significant growth for both parties.”

Hasan Yilmaz

Senior Project Manager, Textkernel

Finding talents and filling job postings

The integration of Textkernel’s Source & March technology in SAP SuccessFactors has surpassed our customer’s ambitious expectations. Incoming applications are processed more efficiently, easily filling other job postings even before they’re advertised. Plus, internal candidates are being promoted to new roles, promoting career development within the company.

Source & Match automatically matches and ranks incoming applications with complete job requirements based on the required skills and experiences, increasing the chance of hiring the right talents. The solution is also versatile, seamlessly integrating with SAP SuccessFactors, allowing the customer to maintain their workflows effortlessly. Candidates can be put on long or shortlists, proactively ensuring no potential is left unexplored.

And it doesn’t stop there. If an interesting candidate isn’t selected for one vacancy, they’re not forgotten. With Source & Match they’re put back in the running for other open positions. Internal candidates can also be matched with new job postings to encourage internal mobility, improve career development, and improve employee satisfaction across the organization.

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