Textkernel Leveraging WhatsApp for Competitive Recruitment: How to enhance candidate communication
Leveraging WhatsApp for Competitive Recruitment

How to enhance candidate communication

In today’s competitive job market, traditional communication channels like emails and phone calls are proving insufficient. In this blog, we explore how to enhance candidate communication with WhatsApp.

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Did you know that 66% of the large UK businesses said they struggle to recruit candidates with the skills they need? And that 35% of the businesses in the UK say that competition in the jobs market is a major challenge?

In today’s competitive job market, traditional communication channels like emails and phone calls are proving insufficient. With email open rates stagnating at around 18% and average response times stretching to 23 hours, it’s clear that particularly younger generations -Gen Z and Millenials- are not as engaged by these methods. This shift necessitates a more dynamic approach to recruitment communication. And this is where WhatsApp for recruitment comes in.

Image depicting a shifting market. Optimize candidate communication via WhatsApp for competitive recruitment.

Why WhatsApp for recruitment?

WhatsApp stands out with its high open rates and swift response times, making it an ideal tool for modern recruitment. Integrating WhatsApp into your daily recruiting routine can revolutionise your Candidate Journey by enhancing engagement and streamlining communication. There are candidate engagement solutions available which leverage WhatsApp’s efficiency directly from your ATS or CRM, optimising the recruitment process from connection to conversion.

WhatsApp is by far the most used messaging app in the world, with over 3 billion active users and delivering roughly 100 billion messages a day. When we narrow it down to the UK, WhatsApp is the most used social media platform in the UK with 79% of internet users sending messages, according to the latest 2024 Digital Growth report put together by we are social, Meltwater, and Datareportal.

Bar chart displaying social media app sessions. WhatsApp leads in active users globally. Utilize WhatsApp for effective candidate communication.
WhatsApp has the most active users worldwide.

Engaging with candidates

To outpace your competitors in the staffing sector, it’s crucial to adopt innovative communication strategies. But what does successful communication mean in recruiting?

  • Contact candidates anytime with confidence
  • Personalised communication
  • Establishing relationships with potential candidates
  • Seamless communication with candidates
  • Efficient collaboration across the recruiting team
  • Good control of the application to hiring process

Integrating WhatsApp into your recruitment process ensures that communication is not standalone but seamlessly integrates with existing systems. This integration allows for efficient and effective candidate engagement.

Market challenges

The skills gap is a persistent issue and the challenge is getting more difficult, only worsened by recent economic challenges. With fewer roles available and increased competition, speed and efficiency in recruitment are paramount. 35% of businesses in the UK say competition in the jobs market is a major challenge. The scarcity of skilled candidates and the number of opportunities in these sectors make recruitment and retention of staff a demanding task. WhatsApp, combined with AI-driven tools, can significantly reduce the time-to-hire by automating and streamlining communication.

The power of Generative AI

While AI -as a phrase- has been around for decades, generative AI is transforming recruitment. Automation and AI can handle large volumes of information and tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on more strategic activities. By integrating WhatsApp with AI, recruiters can enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.

A table showing UK job market workforce numbers. Learn about IT skills gap and WhatsApp recruitment communication.
Source: Forbes IT Skills Gap Report

Leveraging WhatsApp features

Engaging candidates via WhatsApp offers functionalities like automated responses, quick reply buttons, and seamless integration with ATS or CRM systems. For instance, recruiters can send messages with response buttons (e.g., “Are you interested? Yes/No”), allowing candidates to respond effortlessly. This data can then be automatically recorded and actioned within the ATS.

Automating the recruitment process

Automation is key to efficiency. Using WhatsApp in Candidate Engagement, recruiters can automate tasks like scheduling interviews, sending reminders, and even conducting preliminary screenings. For example, candidates can select interview time slots via automated messages, which sync directly with the recruiter’s calendar.

Take a look at our latest guide to get a practical overview of key WhatsApp automation applications that can enhance your recruitment operations. These applications quicken your interactions and improve the overall candidate experience.

Automation efficiency

5 WhatsApp automation for recruitment

From initial application, outreach, and qualification to ongoing relationship building, Textkernel’s Candidate Engagement streamlines the recruitment process and candidate journey, improves efficiency, and enhances the candidate experience.

Staying compliant when engaging with candidates

Maintaining GDPR compliance is crucial. By integrating WhatsApp with your ATS or CRM, you ensure all communication is logged and stored securely at the company level. This setup provides an audit trail and ensures data visibility and compliance.

Best practices for using WhatsApp in recruitment


  1. Policy and Compliance: Ensure candidates have the right to opt-in and opt-out. Maintain GDPR compliance by managing data through your ATS or CRM.
  2. Professional Tone: Despite WhatsApp’s informal nature, maintain a tone consistent with your organization’s brand.
  3. Clarity and Conciseness: Communicate clearly and concisely to avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Quick Response: Be prepared to respond promptly to maintain candidate interest.
  5. Automation: Use Textkernel’s automation features to schedule interviews, send reminders, and manage candidate data efficiently.


  1. Avoid Personal Accounts: Use business accounts to ensure data remains with the organization and not individual recruiters.
  2. Prevent Spam: Avoid over-communicating. Maintain relevance and professionalism to prevent candidate burnout.
  3. Maintain Professionalism: Think carefully about messages before sending to avoid miscommunication or unfulfilled promises.

Power up your recruitment with Candidate Engagement

Incorporating WhatsApp into your recruitment process can significantly enhance candidate engagement and streamline hiring. By adopting best practices and leveraging automation, recruiters can gain a competitive edge, ensuring the right candidates are placed in the right roles more efficiently.

Embrace the power of WhatsApp with Textkernel’s Candidate Engagement solution to transform your recruitment approach and stay ahead in the competitive job market.

Dive deeper into WhatsApp for recruitment in our latest on-demand webinar.

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